OGRA has increased the LPG price by Rs3.68 per kg for February, setting the new rate at Rs253.97 per kg. The cost of an 11.8kg domestic LPG cylinder has risen by Rs43.52 to Rs2,996.88, adding ...
Pakistan's security forces conducted intelligence-based operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, killing 10 terrorists in DI Khan and North Waziristan. Arms and ammunition were recovered, and a sanitization ...
Former cricketers Aaqib Javed, Wahab Riaz, Azhar Ali, Asad Shafiq, and umpire Aleem Dar, along with Masood, commended the timely completion of the stadium’s renovation.
Federal Information Minister Attaullah Tarar said on Friday that the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) Act had been designed to prevent the misuse of social media. Expressing his thoughts in ...
Without a VPN, your data travels naked through your ISP’s servers — exposed to snooping. However, with a VPN, you connect to a secure server (e.g. New York, London), which encrypts your data and hides ...