The approval of a law to implement the 2019 ItCC judgement by Tuscany Region comes after a shift in strategy by Associazione Luca Coscioni, the NGO that has always been at the forefront of advocating ...
With impeccable timing, the UK House of Lords Constitution Committee (“the Committee”) has recently published a report on Executive oversight and responsibility for the UK constitution. The aim of the ...
In 2017, Energy Transfer first sought legal action against Greenpeace and other environmental rights organizations involved in the protests, with a lawsuit based on defamation and racketeering claims.
Funktionierende Demokratien fallen nicht vom Himmel. Demokratische Willensbildung muss erprobt und ständig geübt werden. Daher entsprach es bisher parteiübergreifendem Konsens, dass eine Demokratie ih ...
The plan ultimately failed only because courts rejected the election lawsuits and top government lawyers in the White House and Department of Justice threatened to quit. In a very real sense, these ...
Schon während der ersten Trump-Regierung geriet das Census Bureau unter Druck. Diese Behörde ist für Bevölkerungserhebungen ...
On January 20, 2025, Trump issued an Order restoring his prior order establishing a “Schedule F” in the Civil Service, a move ...
1995 war ein Meilenstein internationaler Gleichstellungspolitik: In Peking verabschiedeten 189 Staaten die Beijing Declaration und die zugehörige Platform for Action. Diese Dokumente stellten die bisl ...
On March 19, 2025, police arrested Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu on corruption and terrorism charges. Four days later, on March 23, a judge ordered him to prison pending trial.
The European Commission’s recently published Joint White Paper on European Defence, together with the ReArm Europe Plan; now “quietly rebranded” as “Readiness 2030”, signals a transformative moment in ...