Tom Cruise once went out of his way to get into a picture with David Fincher, Cameron Crowe, and Ed Zwick. Read more about it ...
Taylor Hawkins recognised a certain moment that provided a reckoning to both the Foo Fighters' sound and future. Read more ...
A look into the life and career of performance artist Laurie Anderson, through the prism of one of her favourite songs by ...
Kate Winslet and Winona Ryder both became famous in the 1990s, but their personas were vastly different, as were their career ...
Us' was an unlikely anthemic hit for Regina Spektor in the late 2000s, railing against adversity and becoming the romantic ...
After 'Brat', Charli XCX asserted herself as a global pop icon. But before that she was releasing tracks she still deems as ...
Kevin Costner has had a rollercoaster of a career, but before he became the intermittent mogul that he is today, he made a ...
One year had two action movie performances nominated for acting Oscars: Tommy Lee Jones in 'The Fugitive' and John Malkovich in 'In the Line of Fire'.
As the frontman of The Specials, Terry Hall left an incredible mark on the face of British music. In 2016, he revealed the one song he wished he had written.
Eddie Van Halen may have had one of the single greatest techniques of any guitar player, but even he had moments when he ...
The one Hollywood offer Jack Black will never accept is the opportunity to host the Oscars, because he sees the gig as a ...
Patti Smith was always indebted to those who came before her, so she knew that the best way to pay her respects was to show ...