Since the final report of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania, chaired by Elie Wiesel, was accepted by ...
The Founders Society recognizes our most generous donors who have made the exceptional cumulative commitment of $1 million or more. The Museum is profoundly grateful for their support, which ensures ...
Podcast Listen to Julius Menn discuss his family's flight eastward from German troops invading Poland in September, 1939 Regina, Julius, and Bella spent the summer of 1939 in Druskeniki, a resort ...
Holocaust survivor Joël Nommick was born into danger in December 1942 in the midst of World War II. Just months earlier, Joël ...
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide (SCPG) seeks applications for a fellowship to assess risks of mass atrocities in Mozambique. The Early ...
Index of names from the finding aid for RG-31.020. This collection includes names from the 901 affidavits collected by the Chernivisti Jewish Survivors Organization. The organization collected the ...
This grouping contains documents that are related to the identification and registration of Jews in the Łódź Ghetto. Includes Łódź Ghetto Worker Cards, work cards, forms, certificates and other ...
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GESCHICHTE DER DUISBURGER JUDEN / von Günter von Roden, in Zusammenarbeit mit Rita Vogedes ; mit Einzelbeiträgen von Yehoshua Amir [... et al.]. Contains an alphabetical list of Duisburg, Germany's ...
"The following translations from yizkor books have been donated to JewishGen by genealogists like yourself."--Yizkor Book Translations [ ...
Personal files of Jewish students who studied in Warsaw University before World War II ...