The puppets, unearthed in El Salvador, have movable heads, strange facial expressions and may have been dressed for ritual roles.
Earth’s core could contain helium from the early solar system. The noble gas tucks into gaps in iron crystals under high pressure and temperature.
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen environmental ...
A quantum processor solved a problem in 20 minutes that would take a supercomputer millions of years. A supercomputer then did a part of it in about 2 hours.
Face bones unearthed in a cave suggest that members of our genus, Homo, reached northern Spain as early as 1.4 million years ago.
A study of nearly 38,000 adults shows that the number of kids correlates with coordination of brain regions’ activities — regardless of parents’ sex.
An abundance of data show that SSRIs, a class of drugs commonly used as antidepressants, are effective, though, like any drug, they have risks.
Uranus radiates more energy than it gets from the sun, two new studies find — just as Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune do.
New brain-inspired hardware, architectures and algorithms could lead to more efficient, more capable forms of AI.
AI models are growing ever-more capable, accurate and impressive. The question of if they represent “general intelligence” is increasingly moot.
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Rising temperatures could reduce trees' ability to photosynthesize. Scientists are trying to figure out just how close we are to that point.