CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Los Fresnos Falcons won the BSN Sports championship on Saturday, taking down the London Pirates. Los Fresnos won, 9-0, at Whataburger Field. They defeated the Veterans ...
Flores Salinas said having Barkly by her side gave her the strength to get better. Now all she wants is his safe return.
The event was a huge success, benefiting local charities such as American Legion Post 229, Corpus Christi firefighters, C.A.R.E., and the Texas Sealife Center.
The tournament invited 14 schools to serve up their skills, including two from as far away as Dallas and 8 from the Valley.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A big surprise Friday morning over at Ingleside ISD, as the district honored their first ever teachers of the year. The high school drum line and cheer team joined in to help ...
Dallas police responded Saturday afternoon to the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, where the 2025 NCA All-Star National Championship is being held.
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Islanders have been honoring homecoming traditions all week And Friday night they concluded those celebrations with the annual lighting of the "I". Those flames firing up the ...
Stone was scheduled to perform at the halftime show of the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association men's Championship basketball game on Saturday.
The hot pit refueling site gives the ability for airplanes to refuel while the air crew is inside and still onsite.
The "Everyone Wins" Nominee Gift Bags, given to this year’s top Oscar nominees, have become a staple of award season. The ...
Like the Grammys and other awards shows this year, the ceremony will be transformed by the devastating Los Angeles wildfires.
Is it time to stop changing our clocks twice a year? Here's a state-by-state look at efforts to make daylight saving time permanent.