In fact, I was pleasantly surprised to realize that the entire Edlavitch complex is truly a dynamic “third place”—a social ...
Rather than retreating, Frerichs has responded by becoming more vocal about the investment policies of his office and the ...
Trump is a bully who loves to throw his weight around. That’s one reality. The other is that the world’s biggest ego wants to ...
Ariel and Kfir are our dear, sweet children. We are so heartbroken that they are gone.
Furthermore, 80% of Jewish college students have experienced (30%), seen (29%) or heard about (22%) an antisemitic incident ...
We must hold their names and walk through this world with purpose, promising them that their lives continue beyond the grave.
Dear all, Eli got a hole-in-one the other day! He was certainly proud of himself. Sure, there was some luck involved. But it ...
During the event, which included a dinner, awards ceremony and an abridged Kabbalat Shabbat service, the leadership of the ...
Rabbi Kahn, a leader at Chabad of the Valley in Tarzana, said the most striking aspect of his most recent mission was ...
It will continue to provide free books and customized materials in braille, large print and audio formats while also ...
Scholastic Publishers has now produced a series of books written by Joshua M. Greene telling the story of young girls and ...
Kirel, 23, from Ra’anana, Israel, opened with “Deja Vu.” Her 13-song setlist featured hit singles “Tikitas,” “Drum,” “Million ...