The week ahead will come with several noteworthy weather events in the United States, highlighted by the potential for record ...
"Potential for heavy rain over the burn scars may trigger hazardous and damaging flooding and debris flows," warned the NWS.
An international team of experts has been working together to study the Durupinar Formation, which they believe could be the ...
A Spanish judge placed the former head of Valencia's emergency services under investigation on Monday as part of a probe into ...
Residents hit by severe flooding six months ago are still not able to return to their homes and say they will not be able to ...
Strategic flooding ("good floods") can reduce the risk of harmful floods, while providing a range of other benefits.
BEAUFORT: While floods in Beaufort are receding, residents remain on alert for downstream water flow that could bring ...
In La Guajira, Colombia, the Wayuu people face worsening climate impacts, with droughts and intense rains causing food ...
The South African Weather Service issued a Yellow Level 2 warning for heavy rainfall in the central part of SA and a Level 4 ...