Behind negative returns for shares of NVIDIA Corp. and Chevron, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is falling Monday afternoon. The Dow was most recently trading 350 points (0.8%) lower, as shares of ...
US President Donald Trump’s plan to revoke Chevron Corp.’s operating license in Venezuela threatens to force the nation’s oil ...
Shares of Chevron Corp. CVX advanced 1.24% to $158.62 Friday, on what proved to be an all-around favorable trading session ...
President Donald Trump said he plans to revoke Chevron Corp.’s oil license to operate in Venezuela, threatening to torpedo ...
Chevron Corp. is interested in buying Phillips 66’s stake in a chemicals joint venture that activist Elliott Investment ...
Financial media are reporting that Chevron is open to buying out the stake Phillips 66 holds in the CP Chem joint venture.
Chevron Corp. has announced that it will lay off 15-20% of its global workforce and reorganize its business structure.
Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) today announced senior leadership changes as part of the company’s efforts to simplify its ...
The Trump administration, in yet another foreign policy power move, cancels a Biden-era license granted to CVX for producing ...
President Donald Trump announced the revocation of a U.S. permit that allowed Chevron Corp. to export Venezuelan oil. This ...
Learn more about whether Chevron Corporation or Phillips 66 is a better investment based on AAII's A+ Investor grades, which compare both companies' key financial metrics.
Chevron Corp. está interesada en comprar la participación de Phillips 66 en una empresa química conjunta de la que el ...