A federal prosecutor in his closing argument Tuesday told jurors the government’s primary witness was telling the truth.
During the closing arguments for the prosecution in the murder case against Natalie Cochran, County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Ashely Acord present to the jury a timeline of events that ...
The defense maintained that while lobbying and politics might seem unappealing, they are not inherently illegal.
Prosecutors cemented their damning case for murder and rape against Hollywood producer David Pearce and his co-accused roommate on Thursday in forceful closing arguments In a blistering summation ...
Natalie Cochran (WVRJA) The jury heard closing arguments from the prosecution and the defense throughout the course of the afternoon Tuesday before Judge H.L. Kirkpatrick adjourned the court until ...
To convict Michael Madigan of a racketeering conspiracy, jurors will need to find that Madigan or his close ally agreed that two so-called racketeering acts would be committed — not that they were ...