Governments with elements of democracy and authoritarianism can happen as one form transitions into the other. Also called "hybrid regimes." Totalitarianism is authoritarianism taken to its extreme.
For some unfathomable reason, we’ve chosen to impose the bleak, corrupt, intolerant, immoral, graceless tyranny of politics on our everyday lives. Now, none of this is Taylor Swift’s fault. She’s just ...
"It wasn't so much authoritarian as was totalitarian," he said in an interview with Fox News Digital, adding he also believed it to be "un-American." "The whole point is to serve the community.
None of this means you are doomed to a life of either silent moral compromise or terrifying isolation. Some people without ...
Democrats are leapfrogging authoritarianism to embrace a soft totalitarianism enforced by unofficial pressure and foreign allies subject to minimal restraints on their power. They ignore legal ...
Democracy by itself isn’t democratic enough—because it may merely disguise a more totalitarian form of authoritarianism. Internationally or at home, politics is always a question of using ...
This, said the architects, establishes an official style and therefore authoritarian or totalitarian in spirit. But the architects are mistaken on several grounds. First, federal buildings are a ...
Two new books, 'On Freedom' and 'Erasing History,' trace why the U.S. is susceptible to fascist appeals from politicians like ...
Among the many delicious ironies that permeate our public life was the recent decision of the National Democratic Alliance ...
The reporter's time in Moscow from 1981 to 1985, which included exclusives and scoops, represented the triumphal centerpiece ...