Far more vigorous state oversight is needed to ensure that future criminals are deterred from stealing funds intended for the ...
After just about five hours of deliberation, the jury found the two defendants guilty and they were taken into custody ...
Aimee Bock — the founder and executive director of Feeding Our Future — was one of 70 people charged in the case.
Safari Restaurant co-owner Salim Said testified in the Feeding Our Future fraud trial that his restaurant served 5,000 meals ...
United States Attorney's Office for the District of MN, 40-year-old Abdihakim Ali Ahmed falsely claimed to be operating a ...
Salim Said is accused of stealing among the largest amounts of money from the federal child nutrition program through his ...
Prosecutors made a final plea Tuesday in their mission to convict alleged Feeding Our Future​ ringleader Aimee Bock​ and ...
Salim Said painted a picture of Safari Restaurant in Minneapolis doing a thriving business, always packed and producing the ...
The jury in the trial of Feeding Our Future founder Aimee Bock and restaurant owner Salim Said will begin deliberations ...
Jurors convicted Aimee Bock and Salim Said Wednesday of all fraud charges filed against them in the Feeding Our Future trial.
The jury has reached a verdict in the trial of the suspected ringleader in the massive $250 million Feeding Our Future fraud ...
A federal jury has found Feeding Our Future founder Aimee Bock and Salim Said, the co-owner of Safari Restaurant, guilty on ...